10 Panel Drug Test

The 10 panel drug test is no different than a 5 panel or a 9 panel drug test except that it tests for 10 different types of drugs. An employer can ask the potential employee to take a drug test before any papers are signed if the employer suspects of use of illegal drugs. An employee can be requested to take a test as part of regular checks or if an employee is back from a long vacation.
Usually in pre-employment drug tests, if traces of drugs are identified, further advanced tests are done to identify the substance and amount used. If you're shown positive in a 10 panel drug test before employment, you will be referred to further tests, possible rehabilitation and be listed off any employment opportunities until cleared by concerned authorities.
10 panels similar to 9 panel drug test is also a standard test for a range of applications other than employment such as sports testing, medical screening and prescription usage analysis.
What does a 10 Panel Drug Screen test for?
What does a 10 Panel Drug Screen test for?
- Marijuana (THC)
- Amphetamines (AMP)
- Opiates (OPI)
- Cocaine (COC)
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines
- Methadone
- Propoxyphene
- Methaqualone
1. Marijuana
Marijuana is a common abuse substance harvested from the cannabis plant. Marijuana is commonly used for recreational and relaxation purposes. It is mostly smoked through cigarettes or pipes. Many also prefer it mixed with edibles such as brownies, biscuits and cookies.
Using marijuana is said to give strong feeling of euphoria and excitement commonly with increased appetite. Some users say they feel relaxed and decreased anxiety after using it though. There are also some medicinal benefits of marijuana. Cannabinoids, a compound present in marijuana, is believed to have therapeutic benefits. It is not responsible for the psychoactive effects or high. Additionally, marijuana is also used to manage patients with heavy pain and nausea in some situations.
Marijuana was legalized in California in 2016 and has not changed since. However, employers may not like it and can take action if employees under-perform or show any psychoactive behaviors. From 2024, employers cannot terminate or suspend an employee on account of using marijuana outside of work, but can take action if used in office hours.
2. Amphetamines
Amphetamines are a group of powerful central nervous system stimulant drugs. Amphetamines affect the brain and body by increasing the release of neurotransmitters, mainly dopamine and norepinephrine. These are chemicals are responsible for our mood, attention, and motivation for something.
The first amphetamine was invented in the late 1800s for treating asthma. However, it brought sleeplessness among patients and did not get much attention until the World War II. Afterwards, it was used to comfort patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and obesity. While there are proven medical benefits of Amphetamines, addiction is a major problem.
When used for medical purposes at controlled amounts, addiction can be avoided. However, amphetamines are often used for recreational purposes as well. Addiction to amphetamines occur when controlled doses are not enough to reach the desired levels of hormones release. Amphetamines are used at increased levels to gain more energy and capabilities.
In drug testing, if you are shown positive for using amphetamines, you can lose the job opportunity unless you are able to verify it being for a medical purposes. You might be requested to show proper medical prescriptions and reports.
3. Opiates
Opiates are class of drugs extracted from the opium poppy plant and then refined. Opiates are popular for their pain-relieving properties. They work by binding to the opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord and sending calming signals while minimizing pain signals. Opiates are used only in certain situations of extreme pain management.
Addicts are seen to develop serious dependency on Opiates where they are unable to relax and calm down without using Opiates. Common abused Opiate drugs are Heroin, Codeine, Opium and Morphine. Despite being a commonly used drug, its side effects are serious when an addiction is developed. The users tend to get respiratory issues, feeling of depression, seizures, etc. and many minor ones like constipation, nausea and drowsiness.
4. Cocaine
Cocaine is a highly addictive drug substance produced from the leaves of coca plant which is native to South America. Cocaine is typically found in powder form used by snorting in. It is also sold as crack cocaine which is in a crystalline form consumed by smoking it in. It works by blocking the system of dopamine and other neurotransmitters of happiness creating an accumulation of these neurotransmitters. This gives highly elevated feeling of pleasure and satisfaction in the brain. Alertness and sharpness is also seen to be raised when using cocaine.
Cocaine is popular for its recreational usage to achieve a high level of pleasure. It is seen among users that to reach the same level of pleasure, more amount of cocaine is required to be taken in. This dependency and increment in usage is dangerous due to its many health demerits. Long term effects of cocaine can be heart failure, nasal issues, paranoia and psychosis. Increased blood pressure, decreased appetite, fatigue and sudden anger can be short term effects of using cocaine.
The most dangerous part of Cocaine is the withdrawal effects where users feel highly down after its effects wear off. This leads to wanting the drug again quicker and for higher doses leading to serious addiction.
5. Phencyclidine
Phencyclidine, also known as Angel Dust is a strong dissociative drug substance. It was initially developed to work as an anesthetic in the 1950s. Due to dangerous and inconsistent effects, it was discontinued medically. Most countries have strong policy against the production and use of Phencyclidine.
Effects of Phencyclidine include hallucinations, erratic behaviors, delusions and psychosis. It is said to alter perceptions of sight, hearing and analyzing reality. It blocks the flow of glutamate which is responsible for perception of surroundings. It is found mostly in the form of white crystalline powder taken in by snorting. It is also dissolved in liquid and drank directly. It is rarely found due to strict legal implications.
The long-term effects of Phencyclidine are distorted senses, impaired co-ordination, memory loss, continued phases of hallucinations and blurred vision.
6. Barbiturates
Barbiturates are such class of drugs derived from barbituric acid. Barbiturates are central nervous depressants which means they slow down the brain activity and nervous processes in the nervous system. They work by increasing the activity of GABA. GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain and spinal cord which functions the nerve cells in the brain.
Barbiturates are often used in treatment of medical conditions such as insomnia and anxiety. They are also used as a form of general anesthesia before surgeries. Due to addiction issues, it is not preferred much by medical professionals. Overdosing on Barbiturates can lead to respiratory depression and sudden coma. The withdrawal symptoms are also dangerous because of which its uses are rare and under strict supervision.
7. Benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepines are similar to Barbiturates in the way they work by increasing the activity of GABA. Benzodiazepines slow down the flow of messages between the brain and the body. Benzodiazepines are seen to be effective for short-term treatment of anxiety, insomnia, muscle tension and seizures.
Some common Benzodiazepines one can find are Valium (Diazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Ativan (lorazepam) and Restoril (temazepam). They are preferred to Barbiturates due to less chances of getting addicted. However, risk of addiction to Benzodiazepines are also seen. The drugs that fall under this class are seen to have massive health benefits when used in required and controlled amounts. Long term effects of Benzodiazepines abuse can be dizziness, memory loss and impaired co-ordination.
8. Methadone
Methadone is a synthetic opioid drug primarily used for the treatment of Opiates (natural opioid) dependence. It is used on people who are struggling with heroin and other Opiates addiction. Like any other Opiates, Methadone works by affecting the receptors in the brain but in a controlled way and for a longer period of time. As the effects remain for a longer period of time, the time between two usages are increased helping in controlling addiction.
Despite being used as a way to control addiction to natural Opioids, it is still an Opioid and users can develop dependency on Methadone as well. Usage of Methadone is strictly regulated in treatment programs so that the patients do not develop a dependency on Methadone. If someone is able to get access to it and abuse it, they can get nausea, muscle aches, and vomiting as short-term side effects while the long-term effects are more severe.
9. Propoxyphene
Propoxyphene is also a type of synthetic opioid pain reliever drug used to relieve mild to moderate pain. It was first sold under the name of Darvon and Darvocet in the USA. It works like any other opioid drug but is not as potent as the Opiates such as Heroin or Morphine.
Manufacture and sales of Propoxyphene is strictly banned in the USA since 2010 after the FDA recommended against the use propoxyphene due to serious risk of health problems. Studies showed that usage of Propoxyphene could significantly change the electrical activity in the heart which could lead to life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Because of these reasons, use and production of Propoxyphene is illegal in USA, however some countries still produce and use this drug.
10. Methaqualone
Methaqualone is a sedative and hypnotic drug substance medically used to treat insomnia and muscle aches. It was first synthesized in 1951 and its use as a sedative and sleep tablet from 1956. It was mostly sold under the names of Quaalude and Sopor under the brand Mandrax. Usage of Methaqualone in controlled manner helps in reduction of anxiety, muscle tension and seizures.
After its increase in popularity through medical usage, it started being used a recreational drug as well mainly in the 1960s and 70s. Due to its high addictiveness, Methaqualone was banned in the USA in 1981. Its long-term effects are seen to be dangerous and life-threatening. Sudden coma, dizziness, respiratory depression and impaired co-ordination are some known side effects of using Methaqualone.
How is a 10 Panel Drug Test done?
Urine test is usually able to detect drug usage up to one week of usage for most drugs. Urine test is the most common way of drug testing as it is less-costly and less invasive. However, urine test also carries possibility of candidates tampering with the sample by adulteration or using substituted samples.
Blood test, Hair test and Oral tests are other drug testing methods which can be chosen based on the requirements. Blood test is the most accurate testing method for a recent usage. Hair test is the best one to test for usage for a long period of time.
Detection Time for Drugs
Substance | Urine Test | Blood Test | Hair Test | Oral or Saliva Test |
Marijuana |
Amphetamines |
Opiates |
Cocaine |
Phencyclidine |
Barbiturates |
Benzodiazepines |
Methadone |
Propoxyphene |
Custom 10 Panel Drug Test with Background Partners
Based on the nature of the employment and company policies, a candidate may have to take a custom 10 panel drug test. Usually, law enforcement, medical professional and government jobs require such custom 10 panel drug tests.
Background Partners provide a range of drug testing panels. Book an appointment with us for top quality drug testing services in USA.