7 Panel Drug Test

7 panel drug test is a common drug screening used by employers in the USA that detects 7 commonly used drugs in addition to the 5 panel drug test. 7 panel test is not much different than the 5 panel test except the number of drugs it can detect.
Like 5 panel drug tests, 7 panel drug test can be done in two ways: hair test and urine test. Urine test is seen to be able to detect usage of drug substances up to 7 days prior to the testing. It is easy, less intrusive and cost-effective.
Meanwhile, a hair test is able to detect usage of drug substances up to 90 days prior to the drug testing. However, it is costly as compared to urine test and difficult to take a sample.
Usually, these drug tests can be customized as per the employer's requirements.
What does a Standard 7 Panel Drug Screen test for?
- Marijuana (THC)
- Cocaine (COC)
- Opiates (OPI)
- Amphetamines (AMP)
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
- Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines
1. Marijuana (THC)
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), another name for marijuana, is the drug that leads applicants to fail drug tests the most frequently. As it is naturally found and can be cultivated, it is the most frequently used drug. It is mostly consumed by smoking, as well as through oils and edible items like brownies.
Excessive consumption of marijuana can lead to paranoid symptoms and psychological dependency. However, its medicinal benefits has been recognized in some states and legalized as well. While most of the states have legalized marijuana to some extent, federal laws classify it as a Schedule 1 drug.
2. Cocaine (COC)
Cocaine is highly addictive and strong stimulant drug with South American origin. It produced from cocoa leaves that is native to South America. Cocaine is available as white powder which is typically snorted through the nose.
3. Opiates (OPI)
Opiates are such group of drugs that alleviate pain by targeting the opioid receptors in cells. They are actually prescribed in limited amounts for medical purposes to manage severe pain resulting from injuries or surgeries. Opiates are very effective to relieve pain when used as prescribed.
When it is used in high amounts, it can lead to heart failure. There are many drugs that fall in this group and these drugs are categorized differently. Heroin is classified as a Schedule 1 drug and treated as a highly dangerous substance while Morphine and Opium are Schedule 2 drugs. Vicodin, another type of opiate, is classified as a Schedule 3 drug and when tested positive is subject to stricter regulations.
4. Amphetamines (AMP)
Amphetamine is a strong central nervous system stimulant that makes the messages between your brain and body move faster making you more alert and physically active. Typically, amphetamines are prescribed to manage conditions such as Attention Deficiency Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, obesity, and, in some cases, Parkinson's disease.
Methamphetamine, a common type of Amphetamine, is a major issue among teenagers in the USA which usually starts by using Methamphetamine as a cognitive enhancer to improve their focus and reduce mental stress. It is highly addictive that damages the dopamine receptors in cells which results in aggressive behaviors due to the body's inability to feel pleasure and happiness. Amphetamines are considered Schedule 2 drugs. Testing positive for amphetamines may result in exclusion from consideration for employment.
5. Phencyclidine (PCP)
Phencyclidine (PCP), also known as Angel dust, is a white-yellowish powder drug that gives the user illusion of euphoria and strong power. Its strong and powerful mind-altering effects, which can cause visual and auditory hallucinations are well-known. Often, such hallucination cause violent reaction as well.
PCP is categorized by the federal government as a Schedule 2 substance. It is usually consumed by snorting or injecting into the system through injection. It is be taken as a capsule or the powder is smoked. Whichever the consumption method, the reactions are not well-received.
6. Barbiturates
Barbiturates are class of depressant drugs medically used as anxiolytics, hypnotics, and anticonvulsants to make the user feel relaxed or drowsy. Practically, there are many uses of Barbiturates medically to help cure insomnia, intracranial hypertension, and seizure. Recently, it has been replaced by benzodiazepines and nonbenzodiazepines drugs due to less chances of addiction and overdose.
Overdose of Barbiturates can lead to respiratory depression, coma and eventual death.
7. Benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepines are often used as an upgrade to Barbiturates medically due to mild addictiveness comparatively. Having said that, it cannot be ruled out that a person can get addicted to Benzodiazepines.
Benzodiazepines and Barbiturates work by manipulating the neurotransmitters to make them send out calming message throughout the body. They help calm down during anxiety and panic attacks. Uncontrolled usage has a number of adverse effects such as memory loss, delirium, and impaired coordination.
Custom 7 Panel Drug Testing
Usually, a standard 7 panel drug test is sufficient to for pre-employment drug testing. However, an employer can require to test specific drug substances. In such instances, employers want a custom test to detect the specific drug substances where a custom test is selected. Such instances are rare though.
How is a 7 Panel Drug Test Done?
Usually, 7 Panel Drug Test is done in two ways: Urine Test and Hair Test.
7 Panel Urine Test
Urine test is the most common drug testing method because of its low privacy invasion and low cost. Urine tests are able to find out drug usage up to 7 days prior to the testing. It is moderately accurate method of testing due to chances of cheating on tests by frequent hydration, adulteration and substitution of sample.
7 Panel Hair Test
Despite being one of the most accurate drug testing methods, it is one of the least selected methods of drug testing. Normally, hair drug test is not preferred by employers due to high cost and difficult sample collection. A hair drug test is able to show drug usage up to 90 days prior from the day of testing.
7 Panel Drug Testing with Background Partners
To test for usage of more than 5 drug substances usage, employers prefer 7 panel drug testing.
We, Background Partner, provide a range of drug testing services including 7 panel drug testing. Book an appointment with us to discuss your drug screening needs and select the best plan for smooth pre-employment background screening.